Jun 5, 2008

OH NO.....The Woolsie's ARE COMING!!!!!!

Do you remember The Woolsie's? Well......they're coming & there's NO STOPPING THEM!!!

I must admit that I'm just a little over joyed about their arrival for The Big Event!

Yes, Finally.......we welcome back the 22nd Annual Community-Wide Garage Sale to the City of Monroe. And you know how The Woolsie's love garage sales! They'll be EVERY WHERE, not to mention packing their shoeless, dirty children.....all with different daddies to the weekend long event.

I myself am not a "legal" resident in the City of Monroe. We live in the neighboring sister city of Middletown. However, I am alumni of the high school, I am employed within the city limits so I also pay the outrageous taxes but I have no place of my own to sell these fools my useless crap. I am very fortunate to have my older Brother & his family living in the sponsored city. So the "Bigwood's" have granted me permission to participate in their garage sale (for a small fee of 50% of my earning (in which I suggested but will later try to renegotiate)).....I get my very own table & everything !!!! TPG even offered to donate Pepsi products for us to sell to our shopping patrons during the hot temperatures of the weekend and mostly because I already told you.....this is A BIG EVENT!

This is very exciting to me for several reasons.
  1. I'll get to sale my crap and act like a Woolsie
  2. I'll get to see REAL LIFE Woolsie's
  3. I have nothing better to do on a 98 degree Saturday afternoon
Don't worry, I'll try my best to contain my excitement long enough to snap a few photographs for the purposes of this blog and absolutely not my own personal use! Geeez, I'm not going to scrapbook the event or something...... I have better things to do......you know, like write my BLOG!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I fer on will be going through all of what you call your junk. But have you forgotten that one man's junk is another's treasure and you just might have a wonderful woolsie come by and grab it all. But BEWARE of the shoeless children cause they belong to the gypsie's (spelled wrong i think) but you get my point. those kids know how to grab and run