Jul 31, 2008

***WARNING.....NC-17*** regarding Tinker Bell

This post is not going to be pretty. I am completely infuriated and I can't type these words fast enough!

*deep breath*

GG is turning 2 years old on Sunday. I know this isn't a big deal to most people but to us...it kind of is! She is my only child and I give her the world! We have planned to have her birthday party on Sunday. Mostly because of other unavoidable arranged, out of town plans for Saturday but also because it's actually on her birthday. Last years party was completely ridiculous! There must have been 50 people or more and 25 of them were under the age of six and 99% were family. We still had a great time even though the temperature nearly peeked 100 degrees. This year I decided to go about things differently. The list if invites has been drastically reduced but unfortunately, the cost has still remained the same.

Our 2nd birthday party theme is that of "Stink Bell" as GG would say. She is starting to get into the whole Tinker Bell thing which makes me very happy because I hate the damn Disney Princesses! We orderd the decorations from here, made "fairy dust" for the girls and got the boys pirate eye patches as little handouts, made tink & jolly roger name badges for everyone and I even handmade the party invitations, which were the CUTEST (fairy dust included). While on my GF's Get-Away to Chicago, I got GG & I matching Mommy & me Tinker Bell shirts to wear for this party. You could say that I've put some time & effort into this party. Don't get me wrong, it's been fun, I like to do this sort of thing and of course I've been getting paid too. That's because every thing has planned, printed, ordered and mailed at what most people would call "work". As I already mentioned, the party list has been drastically cut. It's almost like a red carpet event of the "Who's Who" in GG's world. So if you got the invite then you must have been pretty special considering a few people have already commented to TPG about not receiving theirs in the mail! This comes to the reason as to why I am completely PISSED!

We mailed out 16 invitations, which included three sets of grandparents and on set of great-grandparents. Breaking it down to more realistic numbers ......6 kids from TPG's side of the family and 5 kids from my side. There was also one mutual friend which is also GG's future husband ...... "Due"as she call him.
GG & Drew Halloween 2007

So can you guess how many of the invites are actually coming? Let me narrow it down for you ...... ZERO from The Pepsi Guy's family besides he's parents which are totally "Rock On", Great Grandma Daisy and "Badd" his brother. Everyone from my side is attending with the exception of 3 kids (siblings) whom called the day of invite arrived in the mail to tell is they couldn't make it, but also asked that if Tinker Bell came to blow her a kiss. I mean seriously...... Mr. BIGWOOD himself is actually attending and I haven't deliberately spoken to him since..... a really long time, at least it seems like that!

I'm not saying my family is so great & perfect..... lord knows they can be a bunch of assholes too..... sometimes....okay just Nicholas......SERIOUSLY JUST NICHOLAS! TPG is one of two boys and my in-laws are wonderful, truly wonderful people who are always there for us & especially GG. But TPG is seriously pissed about the rest of his family. Do you know that in the past year we went to 6 different birthday parties and spent well over $200 in gifts? That's 6 parties = 6 wasted Saturdays and $200 = wasted. Don't get me wrong, it's not about the gifts at all, it's not like she's hurting for toy. We're talking about an only child who has a complete & fully stocked PLAY ROOM for F**KS SAKE!

Christmas 2007

The point being made is .... we always go to the "OTHER" parties because we are invited and feel obligated because we know we'll have a party too. But guess what......don't waste your money on postage to the Guru's House. If we receive another party invitation for ANYTHING ..... I'm seriously hoping it burst into flames.....or better yet, I'll light it on fire mydamnself! So with all the money we're going to be saving boycotting birthday parties....... I'm thinking a Disney Cruise for GG's BIG ...... 3!

I bet they FORGOT they nominated our house for Thanksgiving diner.....AGAIN. Maybe I'll conveniently forget to invite them!

Bunch of assholes ..... fuck you and your invites.

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