Aug 8, 2008

Looky what I can do.....

We have officially started ...... need I say it ..... POTTY TRAINING.

We've had kind of a lazy start, meaning I've been lazy about it. I'm just not ready to dedicate ALL OF MY TIME to toilet training. I'm seriously okay with the whole diaper thing ... for a few more months ....or even years! I would be totally okay with it ..... IF SHE WOULD KEEP THEM ON!

So, now I'm faced with the dilemma of letting my mini-nudest roam the house bare bottomed like some kind of feral child or buckle down and train her to use the damn pot!

So here we go .....
Countless times I've had her sitting there .... without any success. I'll step outside into the hallway and give her the much needed privacy she demands. I'll let her watch me use the bathroom and she'll cheer me on with high fives and special jumping acrobatics. Then it's GG's turn to demonstrate what she's just learned. We'll go through the motions of making the "psssst" noises, flushing, waving bye-bye to the non-existent disposal, washing our hands with our new big kid soap and finish up with an encouraging words of "Almost, maybe next time!"

She enjoys the freedom of wearing the new big girl panties we just got her. They seem to help me at least identify the so called "pee-pee dance". So we'll rush off again, time after time to the potty ....... but she still won't go. I catch her moments later, hiding in the corner & peeing her in the "Big Panyee" as GG calls them.

I decided the fun has to end! No more nonsense in the bathroom is my new policy! No more flushing invisible turds or washing hands that are not soiled. Those are privileges to be experienced by children of the potty trained stature!

Wouldn't you know ...... my no nonsense approach is working..... well, at least better then the "We'll do it your way GG" style ever did.

She said...... "I do it" and giggled the the entire time she tinkled in the toilet!!! I cheered and gave out high fives as I did the silly jumps she does for me.... and it was a good day. I'm hoping all of this "patients" will be rewarded sooner then later. I know we are a long ways off from being completely trained and that she just turned 2 a few days ago. But I have already learned a few things.
  1. It's really creepy letting your kid watch you pee.
  2. TPG stands up to pee and it's rather confusing to GG.
  3. Buy more "Big Panties"
  4. And finally ...... GG, your way SUCKS!
Does anyone out their have any great tips for a newbie trainer working with stubborn trainee girl? Besides, wine......I've heard wine is helpful to trainers every where!

1 comment:

the mom said...

WTG!!! Hooray for going on the big girl potty!

p.s. I'm finally adding you to my blog roll...better late than never.