Aug 20, 2008

Good Night Moon.....

I'm sure some of you have at some point have read this story to your child at bed time. It's a classic and kids just love it. I enjoy reading to GG and she seems to enjoy it as well. I think she just likes to tear the books from my motherly death grip and take off running. It's still something that just we do together at bed time and it's a moment I really enjoy sharing with her..... even more so last night then usual.

I read her a new book last night. One that I hadn't read before but it's been sitting on her book shelf for some time. The book was called "Love You Forever" by Robert Munsch.

It really was the sweetest book but it touched me in ways that I child's book has never done. The mother is this story loved to sing to her son;
I'll love you forever
I'll like you for always
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be
I would actually sing the lyrics to her as she tried to cover my mouth to make me stop. Finally she ripped the book from my hands to toss it over board, she started to sing:
Happy Birthday twinkle twinkle little star.
I tucked her into bed and off to sleepy land she went. I continued to think about the book and how it made me feel. I tried to explain to TPG but he simply didn't understand.

This morning as I was about to head off to work, GG came out of her bedroom. She must have waken up, went to her bookshelf to find this book then she brought it to me and said "please read it". It was so sweet! I couldn't believe she actually found the book on her shelf because I didn't think she had even payed much attention to it. It's the first time she has ever brought me a book in the morning....that's kind of our evening activity. Apparently "Love You Forever" had made as much of an impact on GG as it had me. She was actually upset when I left for work. She normally doesn't mind as she waves bye & blows me kisses but today was different. She wanted me to sing to her again.

I'll love you forever
I'll like you for always
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be
If you like to read to your children then I recommend that you check this book out. It amazing how reading a simple little children's book can change the relationship you have with your child.....even if it is for just one morning!

1 comment:

loren said...

That's so sweet! I actually have that book but have never read it. The cover scared me away, what with all the potty training that's going on around here.