Aug 27, 2008

My Meme

I was tagged for a Meme by Jen at Jen.At.Work.

The rules;

Link the person who tagged you
Post the rules in your blog
Write 6 random things about yourself
Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them
Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog.
Let the tagger know when your entry is posted

I have thought long and hard about these random things. I'm pretty open on my blog so this was a bit of a challenge for me.

So here are my things:

1. I hate the color PURPLE!
2. I was kind of a "hippie" in high school.
3. I have a compulsive obsession with Craigslist.
4. I sign all of my Credit/Debit Card receipts KAsshole and no one has ever noticed! seriously!
5. I sometimes sniff my armpit when no one is looking.... just to see if I remembered my deodorant.
6. Every single Wednesday I order exactly the same thing for lunch at McDonald's and it cost me $3.07

Now the fun part. The people I'm tagging:

Sugar 'N Spice & Mostly Nice
Stodghill Says So
Ashley's Closet

I'm stopping there because I'm a "lurker" and not a commenter on the other blogs I read and I'm still new to the neighborhood & haven't made many friends. If I weren't such a raging drunken mess....I might make a few new friends.

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